
This section contains the methodological documents with details about the construction of indicators, the data sources used, and the countries and years included in the GenLAC database.

Methodological documents

This document lists all the indicators included in the GenLAC database and the countries and years for which they are available.

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This document contains the definitions and data sources used in the construction of the indicators of each category of the GenLAC database: employment and skills, family and time use, childhood and youth, and gender roles.

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This document presents information about each of the data sources used to construct the indicators of the GenLAC database.

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This document describes the content of the indicators about time use included in the Family and Time Use, and the Childhood and Youth categories (in Spanish).

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This document lists all the methodological changes of the data sources used to compute the indicators of the GenLAC database.

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Cite the GenLAC database

Information taken from this database should be cited as “Source: GenLAC (CEDLAS)” or “Source: GenLAC – Evidence for gender equity in Latin America and the Caribbean (CEDLAS)”. The APA style citation is available below. We advise that users reference the date that the database was consulted.

CEDLAS (2024). GenLAC – Evidence for gender equity in Latin America and the Caribbean (Version 4.1) [database]. Retrieved from

author = {{CEDLAS}},
title = {GenLAC – Evidence for gender equity in Latin {A}merica and the {C}aribbean (Version 4.1). [database]},
year = {2024},
note = {Retrieved from \url{}},

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