Employment and skills

This section contains indicators about labor supply, employment, type of occupation, labor informality, hours worked, wages, and educational structure of the adult population. Indicators are available by gender, educational level, marital status, and number of children. They are constructed based on microdata from national household surveys.



Economically active population as a percentage of the total population aged 25-54. A person is considered economically active if she is either employed or unemployed.

Indicator available by gender (women and men), number of children in the household* (no children, with children aged 0-5, with children older than 5), marital status** (married or not), and educational level (high school dropouts, high school graduates or some college, higher education completed).

(*) Disaggregation available for household head and spouse only.

(**) “Married” refers to persons in formal and consensual unions.

Source: constructed based on Household Surveys.

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Employed population as a percentage of the total population aged 25-54.

Indicator available by gender (women and men), number of children in the household* (no children, with children aged 0-5, with children older than 5), marital status** (married or not), and educational level (high school dropouts, high school graduates or some college, higher education completed).

(*) Disaggregation available for household head and spouse only.

(**) “Married” refers to persons in formal and consensual unions.

Source: constructed based on Household Surveys.

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Unemployed population as a percentage of the economically active population aged 25-54. A person is considered economically active if she is either employed or unemployed.

Indicator available by gender (women and men), number of children in the household* (no children, with children aged 0-5, with children older than 5), marital status** (married or not), and educational level (high school dropouts, high school graduates or some college, higher education completed).

(*) Disaggregation available for household head and spouse only.

(**) “Married” refers to persons in formal and consensual unions.

Source: constructed based on Household Surveys.

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Workers in informal jobs as a percentage of the employed population aged 25-54. Informal workers include wage workers who do not have access to social security, self-employed workers who have not completed higher education, and zero income workers.

Indicator available by gender (women and men), number of children in the household* (no children, with children aged 0-5, with children older than 5), marital status** (married or not), and educational level (high school dropouts, high school graduates or some college, higher education completed).

(*) Disaggregation available for household head and spouse only.

(**) “Married” refers to persons in formal and consensual unions.

Source: constructed based on Household Surveys.

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Weekly hours worked in a paid job for workers aged 25-54, including all jobs.

Indicator available by gender (women and men), number of children in the household* (no children, with children aged 0-5, with children older than 5), marital status** (married or not), and educational level (high school dropouts, high school graduates or some college, higher education completed).

(*) Disaggregation available for household head and spouse only.

(**) “Married” refers to persons in formal and consensual unions.

Source: constructed based on Household Surveys.

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Percentage of workers aged 25-54 by labor relationship: employers, wage earners, self-employed, and unpaid workers.

Indicator available by gender (women and men), and educational level (high school dropouts, high school graduates or some college, higher education completed).

Source: constructed based on Household Surveys.

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Workers in managerial positions as a percentage of the employed population aged 25-54. High-level positions include managers, directors, senior officials, and legislators (category 1 of the ISCO-08 classification).

Indicator available by gender (women and men), number of children in the household* (no children, with children aged 0-5, with children older than 5), marital status** (married or not), and educational level (high school dropouts, high school graduates or some college, higher education completed).

(*) Disaggregation available for household head and spouse only.

(**) “Married” refers to persons in formal and consensual unions.

Source: constructed based on Household Surveys.

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Includes all the indicators in the employment sub-category.

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Average hourly wage in primary occupation, in 2005 PPP US dollars, for workers aged 25-54 with positive earnings and positive hours worked.

Indicator available by gender (women and men), number of children in the household* (no children, with children aged 0-5, with children older than 5), marital status** (married or not), and educational level (high school dropouts, high school graduates or some college, higher education completed).

(*) Disaggregation available for household head and spouse only.

(**) “Married” refers to persons in formal and consensual unions.

Source: constructed based on Household Surveys.

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Average monthly labor income in all occupations, in 2005 PPP US dollars, for workers aged 25-54 with positive earnings and positive hours worked.

Indicator available by gender (women and men), number of children in the household* (no children, with children aged 0-5, with children older than 5), marital status** (married or not), and educational level (high school dropouts, high school graduates or some college, higher education completed).

(*) Disaggregation available for household head and spouse only.

(**) “Married” refers to persons in formal and consensual unions.

Source: constructed based on Household Surveys.

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Coefficient and standard error of the dummy variable woman in a Mincer equation, after controlling for educational level, age, region, and urban-rural area of residence, estimated using Ordinary Least Squares based on the sample of all paid workers aged 25-54.

Source: constructed based on Household Surveys.

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Percentage of individuals aged 25-54 who do not have any personal income.

Indicator available by gender (women and men), number of children in the household* (no children, with children aged 0-5, with children older than 5), marital status** (married or not), and educational level (high school dropouts, high school graduates or some college, higher education completed).

(*) Disaggregation available for household head and spouse only.

(**) “Married” refers to persons in formal and consensual unions.

Source: constructed based on Household Surveys.

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Includes all the indicators in the Income sub-category.

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Skills of the adult population

Average years of education of the population aged 25-54.

Indicator available by gender (women and men), number of children in the household* (no children, with children aged 0-5, with children older than 5), marital status** (married or not).

(*) Disaggregation available for household head and spouse only.

(**) “Married” refers to persons in formal and consensual unions.

Source: constructed based on Household Surveys.

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Percentage of the population aged 25-54 with a college degree.

Indicator available by gender (women and men), number of children in the household* (no children, with children aged 0-5, with children older than 5), and marital status** (married or not).

(*) Disaggregation available for household head and spouse only.

(**) “Married” refers to persons in formal and consensual unions.

Source: constructed based on Household Surveys.

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Includes all the indicators in the Skills of the adult population sub-category.

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All indicators about Employment and skills

Cite the GenLAC database

Information taken from this database should be cited as “Source: GenLAC (CEDLAS)” or “Source: GenLAC – Evidence for gender equity in Latin America and the Caribbean (CEDLAS)”. The APA style citation is available below. We advise that users reference the date that the database was consulted.

CEDLAS (2024). GenLACEvidence for gender equity in Latin America and the Caribbean (Version 4.1) [database]. Retrieved from https://genlac.econo.unlp.edu.ar/en

author = {{CEDLAS}},
title = {GenLAC – Evidence for gender equity in Latin {A}merica and the {C}aribbean (Version 4.1). [database]},
year = {2024},
note = {Retrieved from \url{https://genlac.econo.unlp.edu.ar/en}},

GenLAC employment, wages and education indicators are constructed following the processing protocol of the SEDLAC project (CEDLAS and The World Bank).

We would appreciate a copy of any publications or reports in which the GenLAC database is used is sent to GenLAC@econo.unlp.edu.ar.

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We expect to gradually incorporate non-binary gender categories when information from official surveys is available.