Social norms

This section contains the indicators about social norms and perceptions about men’s and women’s roles inside and outside the home of the GenLAC database. Indicators are available by gender, and they are constructed based on opinion and values surveys (World Value Survey and Latinobarómetro).



Percentage of the population aged 25-54 who agrees or strongly agrees with the statement “Men make better political leaders than women do”.

Indicator available by gender (women and men).

Source of information: Constructed based on Values Surveys (World Values Survey).

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Percentage of the population aged 25-54 that agrees or strongly agrees with the statement “Half of Parliament members are women”.

Indicator available by gender (women and men).

Source of information: Constructed based on Values Surveys (Latinobarómetro).

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Includes all the indicators in the Political sub-category.

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Percentage of the population aged 25-54 who agrees with the statement “When jobs are scarce, men should have more right to a job than women”.

Indicator available by gender (women and men).

Source of information: Constructed based on Values Surveys (World Values Survey).

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Percentage of the population aged 25-54 who agrees or strongly agrees with the statement ” Men make better business executives than women do”.

Indicator available by gender (women and men).

Source of information: Constructed based on Values Surveys (World Values Survey).

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Percentage of the population aged 25-54 that thinks that the main obstacle women have in joining the labor market is that employers do not hire women with children.

Indicator available by gender (women and men).

Source of information: Constructed based on Values Surveys (Latinobarómetro).

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Percentage of the population aged 25-54 that thinks that a team composed of men and women achieves better outcomes than a team made up of only men.

Indicator available by gender (women and men).

Source of information: Constructed based on Values Surveys (Latinobarómetro).

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Includes all the indicators in the Labor sub-category.

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Percentage of the population aged 25-54 who agrees or strongly agrees with the statement “A university education is more important for a boy than for a girl.”

Indicator available by gender (women and men).

Source of information: Constructed based on Values Surveys (World Values Survey).

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Percentage of the population aged 25-54 who agrees or strongly agrees with the statement “women have the same capabilities for science and technology as men.”

Indicator available by gender (women and men).

Source of information: Constructed based on Values Surveys (Latinobarómetro).

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Percentage of third-grade teachers who think that boys or girls learn faster each subject (math or language).

Indicator available by subject (math and language).

Source of information: Constructed based on TERCE (UNESCO).

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Percentage of third-grade teachers who think that boys or girls learn faster each subject (math or language) due to their innate characteristics.

Indicator available by subject (math and language).

Source of information: Constructed based on TERCE (UNESCO).

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Percentage of sixth-grade teachers who think that boys or girls learn faster each subject (math,  language, or science).

Indicator available by subject (math, language, or science).

Source of information: Constructed based on TERCE (UNESCO).

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Percentage of sixth-grade teachers who think that boys or girls learn faster each subject (math,  language or science) due to their innate characteristics.

Indicator available by subject (math, language or science).

Source of information: Constructed based on TERCE (UNESCO).

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Percentage of 15 year-old students who expect to work in STEM-related occupations at the age of 30. STEM include science and engineering professionals and information and communications technology professionals.

Indicator available by educational level of the household (*).

(*) The household’s educational level is the highest educational level held between father and mother.

Source: constructed based on PISA (OECD).

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Includes all the indicators in the Education sub-category.

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Percentage of the population aged 25-54 who agrees with the statement “If a woman earns more money than her husband, it’s almost certain to cause problems”.

Indicator available by gender (women and men).

Source of information: Constructed based on Values Surveys (World Values Survey).

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Percentage of the population aged 25-54 who agrees or strongly agrees with the statement “When a mother works for pay, the children suffer”.

Indicator available by gender (women and men).

Source of information: Constructed based on Values Surveys (World Values Survey).

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Percentage of the population aged 25-54 who agrees or strongly agrees with the statement “Being a housewife is just as fulfilling as working for pay”.

Indicator available by gender (women and men).

Source of information: Constructed based on Values Surveys (World Values Survey).

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Percentage of the population aged 25-54 who agrees or strongly agrees with the statement “Women have to work for pay only if their husband does not earn enough”.

Indicator available by gender (women and men).

Source of information: Constructed based on Values Surveys (Latinobarómetro).

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Percentage of the population aged 25-54 who agrees or strongly agrees with the statement “It is better if man works, and woman stays at home”.

Indicator available by gender (women and men).

Source of information: Constructed based on Values Surveys (Latinobarómetro).

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Includes all the indicators in the Family sub-category.

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All indicators about gender roles

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Information taken from this database should be cited as “Source: GenLAC (CEDLAS)” or “Source: GenLAC – Evidence for gender equity in Latin America and the Caribbean (CEDLAS)”. The APA style citation is available below. We advise that users reference the date that the database was consulted.

CEDLAS (2024). GenLAC – Evidence for gender equity in Latin America and the Caribbean (Version 4.1) [database]. Retrieved from

author = {{CEDLAS}},
title = {GenLAC – Evidence for gender equity in Latin {A}merica and the {C}aribbean (Version 4.1). [database]},
year = {2024},
note = {Retrieved from \url{}},

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We expect to gradually incorporate non-binary gender categories when information from official surveys is available.