The GenLAC database presents indicators disaggregated between men and women, and also by educational level, marital status and number of children, which allow the diagnosis and monitoring of gender inequalities in Latin America and the Caribbean. The indicators are comparable between countries and are constructed from microdata from national household surveys and other sources.

Employment and skills
Labor participation, employment, type of occupation, labor informality, hours worked, wages, and income; educational structure of the adult population.

Family and time use
Gaps between spouses (age, education, income); use of time; fertility; adolescent marriage and pregnancy.

Childhood and youth
Schooling; performance by area (mathematics, language and science); activities and time use.

Social norms
Social norms and perceptions of men's and women's roles inside and outside the home.

Gender violence
Domestic and non-domestic violence against women.

Methodological documents on the construction and use of the indicators; description of the data sources.

Employment and skills
Labor participation, employment, type of occupation, labor informality, hours worked, wages, and income; educational structure of the adult population.

Family and time use
Gaps between spouses (age, education, income); use of time; fertility; adolescent marriage and pregnancy.

Childhood and youth
Schooling; performance by area (mathematics, language and science); activities and time use.

Social norms
Social norms and perceptions of men's and women's roles inside and outside the home.

Gender violence
Domestic and non-domestic violence against women.

Methodological documents on the construction and use of the indicators; description of the data sources.