Family and time use

This section contains the indicators about gaps between spouses, time use, and fertility of the GenLAC database. Indicators are available by gender, educational level, marital status, and the number of children. They are constructed based on microdata from national household surveys, demographic and health surveys, time use surveys, and multiple indicator cluster surveys.


Gaps between spouses

Age difference between the man and the woman in a couple. The reference population includes people aged 25-54 in heterosexual couples (household head and spouse).

Indicator available by number of children in the household (no children, with children aged 0-5, with children older than 5), and educational level (high school dropouts, high school graduates or some college, higher education completed).

Source: constructed based on Household Surveys.

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Difference in years of formal education between the man and the woman in a couple. The reference population includes people aged 25-54 in heterosexual couples (household head and spouse).

Indicator available by number of children in the household (high school dropouts, high school graduates or some college, higher education completed).

Source: constructed based on Household Surveys.

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Difference in hours worked between the man and the woman in a couple who are both employed. The reference population includes individuals aged 25-54 in heterosexual couples (household head and spouse).

Indicator available by number of children in the household (no children, with children aged 0-5, with children older than 5), and educational level (high school dropouts, high school graduates or some college, higher education completed).

Source: constructed based on Household Surveys.

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Percentage of the spousal labor income contributed by each member of the couple. The reference population includes people aged 25-54 in heterosexual couples (household head and spouse). Persons who do not report labor income are included with zero income.

Indicator available by gender (women and men), number of children in the household (no children, with children aged 0-5, with children older than 5), and educational level (high school dropouts, high school graduates or some college, higher education completed).

Source: constructed based on Household Surveys.

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Percentage of individuals with equal or more years of formal education than their spouse who are economically inactive, given that their spouse is active in the labor market. The reference population includes people aged 25-54 in heterosexual couples (household head and spouse).

Indicator available by gender (women and men), number of children in the household (no children, with children aged 0-5, with children older than 5), and educational level (high school dropouts, high school graduates or some college, higher education completed).

Source: constructed based on Household Surveys.

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Includes all the indicators in the Gaps between spouses sub-category.

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Household structure and headship

Households in which the self-reported household head is a woman, as a percentage of households with household head and spouse aged 25-54.

Indicator available by number of children in the household (no children, with children aged 0-5, with children older than 5), and educational level of the household head (high school dropouts, high school graduates or some college, higher education completed).

Source: constructed based on Household Surveys.

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Households in which the woman has a higher labor income than the man, as a percentage of households with household head and spouse aged 25-54. If both members have the same income, the economic household head is the self-reported household head.

Indicator available by number of children in the household (no children, with children aged 0-5, with children older than 5), and educational level of the household head (high school dropouts, high school graduates or some college, higher education completed).

Source: constructed based on Household Surveys.

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Single-parent households as a as a percentage of households where the household head is 25-54, excluding single-person households. A household is considered a single-parent when there are children but there is no spouse in the household.

Indicator available by gender (women and men), and educational level of the household head (high school dropouts, high school graduates or some college, higher education completed).

Source: constructed based on Household Surveys.

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Percentage of youth aged 15-19 who are married or in a union.

Indicator available by gender (women and men).

Source: constructed based on Household Surveys.

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Includes all the indicators in the Household structure and headship sub-category.

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Time use

Percentage of individuals aged 25-54 who dedicate time to household chores.

Indicator available by gender (women and men), number of children in the household* (no children, with children aged 0-5, with children older than 5), marital status** (married or not), and educational level (high school dropouts, high school graduates or some college, higher education completed).

(*) Disaggregation available for household head and spouse only.

(**) “Married” refers to persons in formal and consensual unions.

Source: constructed based on Time Use Surveys.

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Weekly hours allocated to household chores, including exclusive and non-exclusive time. The reference population includes people aged 25-54.

Indicator available by gender (women and men), number of children in the household* (no children, with children aged 0-5, with children older than 5), marital status** (married or not), and educational level (high school dropouts, high school graduates or some college, higher education completed).

(*) Disaggregation available for household head and spouse only.

(**) “Married” refers to persons in formal and consensual unions.

Source: constructed based on Time Use Surveys.

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Percentage of individuals aged 25-54 who dedicate time to children and other household members’ care, in households with children aged 0-14.

Indicator available by gender (women and men), number of children in the household* (with children aged 0-5, with children older than 5), marital status** (married or not), and educational level (high school dropouts, high school graduates or some college, higher education completed).

(*) Disaggregation available for household head and spouse only.

(**) “Married” refers to persons in formal and consensual unions.

Source: constructed based on Time Use Surveys.

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Weekly hours allocated to children and other household members’ care, including exclusive and non-exclusive time. The reference population includes people aged 25-54 in households with children aged 0-14.

Indicator available by gender (women and men), number of children in the household* (with children aged 0-5, with children older than 5), marital status** (married or not), and educational level (high school dropouts, high school graduates or some college, higher education completed).

(*) Disaggregation available for household head and spouse only.

(**) “Married” refers to persons in formal and consensual unions.

Source: constructed based on Time Use Surveys.

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Percentage of individuals aged 25-54 who dedicate time to childcare, in households with children aged 0-14.

Indicator available by gender (women and men), number of children in the household* (with children aged 0-5, with children older than 5), marital status** (married or not), and educational level (high school dropouts, high school graduates or some college, higher education completed).

(*) Disaggregation available for household head and spouse only.

(**) “Married” refers to persons in formal and consensual unions.

Source: constructed based on Time Use Surveys.

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Weekly hours allocated to childcare, including exclusive and non-exclusive time. The reference population includes people aged 25-54 in households with children aged 0-14.

Indicator available by gender (women and men), number of children in the household* (with children aged 0-5, with children older than 5), marital status** (married or not), and educational level (high school dropouts, high school graduates or some college, higher education completed).

(*) Disaggregation available for household head and spouse only.

(**) “Married” refers to persons in formal and consensual unions.

Source: constructed based on Time Use Surveys.

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Percentage of individuals aged 25-54 who provide support to other households, including housework and care activities.

Indicator available by gender (women and men), number of children in the household* (no children, with children aged 0-5, with children older than 5), marital status** (married or not), and educational level (high school dropouts, high school graduates or some college, higher education completed).

(*) Disaggregation available for household head and spouse only.

(**) “Married” refers to persons in formal and consensual unions.

Source: constructed based on Time Use Surveys.

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Weekly hours allocated to provide support to other households, including housework and care activities. The reference population includes people aged 25-54.

Indicator available by gender (women and men), number of children in the household* (no children, with children aged 0-5, with children older than 5), marital status** (married or not), and educational level (high school dropouts, high school graduates or some college, higher education completed).

(*) Disaggregation available for household head and spouse only.

(**) “Married” refers to persons in formal and consensual unions.

Source: constructed based on Time Use Surveys.

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Percentage of individuals aged 25-54 who dedicate time to leisure activities.

Indicator available by gender (women and men), number of children in the household* (with children aged 0-5, with children older than 5), marital status** (married or not), and educational level (high school dropouts, high school graduates or some college, higher education completed).

(*) Disaggregation available for household head and spouse only.

(**) “Married” refers to persons in formal and consensual unions.

Source: constructed based on Time Use Surveys.

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Weekly hours allocated to leisure activities. The reference population includes people aged 25-54.

Indicator available by gender (women and men), number of children in the household* (with children aged 0-5, with children older than 5), marital status** (married or not), and educational level (high school dropouts, high school graduates or some college, higher education completed).

(*) Disaggregation available for household head and spouse only.

(**) “Married” refers to persons in formal and consensual unions.

Source: constructed based on Time Use Surveys.

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Includes all the indicators in the Time use sub-category.

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Fertility (DHS)

Number of children born alive per woman. The reference population includes women aged 25 to 49 years.

Indicator available by marital status* (married or not), and educational level (high school dropouts, high school graduates or some college, higher education completed).

(*) “Married” refers to persons in formal and consensual unions.

Source: constructed based on Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS).

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Number of children that would be born to a woman, assuming they were subject during their whole reproductive life to the age-specific fertility rates of the period. The reference population includes women aged 25 to 49 years.

Source: constructed based on Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS).

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Ideal number of children. The reference population includes women aged 25 to 49 years.

Indicator available by marital status* (married or not), and educational level (high school dropouts, high school graduates or some college, higher education completed).

(*) “Married” refers to persons in formal and consensual unions.

Source: constructed based on Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS).

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Difference between the actual and the desired number of children. The reference population includes women aged 25 to 49 years.

Indicator available by marital status* (married or not), and educational level (high school dropouts, high school graduates or some college, higher education completed).

(*) “Married” refers to persons in formal and consensual unions.

Source: constructed based on Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS).

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Difference in the desired number of children between the male and female of a couple. The reference population includes women aged 25 to 49 years in heterosexual couples.

Indicator available by marital status* (married or not), and educational level (high school dropouts, high school graduates or some college, higher education completed).

(*) “Married” refers to persons in formal and consensual unions.

Source: constructed based on Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS).

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Percentage of women aged 15-49 using contraceptive methods (any method, including modern and traditional).

Indicator available by number of children (no children, with children aged 0-5, with children older than 5), marital status* (married or not), and educational level (high school dropouts, high school graduates or some college, higher education completed).

(*) “Married” refers to persons in formal and consensual unions.

Source: constructed based on Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS).

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Percentage of women aged 15-49 using modern contraceptive methods. Modern contraceptive methods include sterilization, pill, intrauterine device (IUD), injections, condoms, lactational amenorrhea method (LAM), and foam/jelly.

Indicator available by number of children (no children, with children aged 0-5, with children older than 5), marital status* (married or not), and educational level (high school dropouts, high school graduates or some college, higher education completed).

(*) “Married” refers to persons in formal and consensual unions.

Source: constructed based on Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS).

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Percentage of women aged 15-49 without access to contraception. Women without access to contraception are defined as fertile and sexually active women who do not want to have children and do not use any contraceptive method.

Indicator available by number of children (no children, with children aged 0-5, with children older than 5), marital status* (married or not), and educational level (high school dropouts, high school graduates or some college, higher education completed).

(*) “Married” refers to persons in formal and consensual unions.

Source: constructed based on Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS).

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Percentage of youth aged 15-19 who are pregnant or have children.

Indicator available by number of children (no children, with children aged 0-5, with children older than 5), marital status* (married or not), and educational level (high school dropouts, high school graduates or some college, higher education completed).

(*) “Married” refers to persons in formal and consensual unions.

Source: constructed based on Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS).

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Includes all the indicators in the Fertility (DHS) sub-category.

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Fertility (MICS)

Number of children born alive per woman. The reference population includes women aged 25 to 49 years.

Indicator available by marital status* (married or not), and educational level (high school dropouts, high school graduates or some college, higher education completed).

(*) “Married” refers to persons in formal and consensual unions.

Source: constructed based on Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS).

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Number of children that would be born to a woman, assuming they were subject during their whole reproductive life to the age-specific fertility rates of the period. The reference population includes women aged 25 to 49 years.

Source: constructed based on Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS).

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Percentage of women aged 15-49 using contraceptive methods (any method, including modern and traditional).

Indicator available by number of children (no children, with children aged 0-5, with children older than 5), marital status* (married or not), and educational level (high school dropouts, high school graduates or some college, higher education completed).

(*) “Married” refers to persons in formal and consensual unions.

Source: constructed based on Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS).

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Percentage of women aged 15-49 using modern contraceptive methods. Modern contraceptive methods include sterilization, pill, intrauterine device (IUD), injections, condoms, lactational amenorrhea method (LAM), and foam/jelly.

Indicator available by number of children (no children, with children aged 0-5, with children older than 5), marital status* (married or not), and educational level (high school dropouts, high school graduates or some college, higher education completed).

(*) “Married” refers to persons in formal and consensual unions.

Source: constructed based on Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS).

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Percentage of women aged 15-49 without access to contraception. Women without access to contraception are defined as fertile and sexually active women who do not want to have children and do not use any contraceptive method.

Indicator available by number of children (no children, with children aged 0-5, with children older than 5), marital status* (married or not), and educational level (high school dropouts, high school graduates or some college, higher education completed).

(*) “Married” refers to persons in formal and consensual unions.

Source: constructed based on Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS).

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Percentage of youth aged 15-19 who are pregnant or have children.

Indicator available by number of children (no children, with children aged 0-5, with children older than 5), marital status* (married or not), and educational level (high school dropouts, high school graduates or some college, higher education completed).

(*) “Married” refers to persons in formal and consensual unions.

Source: constructed based on Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS).

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Includes all the indicators in the Fertility (MICS) sub-category.

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Percentage of adults with same-sex spouses. The reference population includes only the head of the household. Adults are considered to be people aged 25 to 54.

Indicator available by gender (women and men), number of children in the household (no children, with children aged 0-5, with children older than 5), and educational level of the household head (high school dropouts, high school graduates or some college, higher education completed).

Source: constructed based on Household Surveys.

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Percentage of the population aged 25-54 that agrees or strongly agrees with same-sex marriage.

Indicator available by gender (women and men).

Source of information: Constructed based on Values Surveys (Latinobarómetro).

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Includes all the indicators in the Diversity sub-category.

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All indicators about Family and Time Use

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Information taken from this database should be cited as “Source: GenLAC (CEDLAS)” or “Source: GenLAC – Evidence for gender equity in Latin America and the Caribbean (CEDLAS)”. The APA style citation is available below. We advise that users reference the date that the database was consulted.

CEDLAS (2024). GenLAC – Evidence for gender equity in Latin America and the Caribbean (Version 4.1) [database]. Retrieved from

author = {{CEDLAS}},
title = {GenLAC – Evidence for gender equity in Latin {A}merica and the {C}aribbean (Version 4.1). [database]},
year = {2024},
note = {Retrieved from \url{}},

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We expect to gradually incorporate non-binary gender categories when information from official surveys is available.